We believe that good health offers the greatest freedom for people to live the lives they envision. It is our relentless mission to facilitate and promote fitness through movement, strength and healthy choices in a safe and supportive environment.

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Commitment in Action

We show our COMMITMENT by consistently:

  • Greeting every client/member in a welcoming manner and by name upon entering Training Partners.
  • Introducing our clients/members to other trainers, members and clients on a consistent basis.
  • Starting and finishing every session on time, being prepared and ready for every client.
  • Following Training Partners agreed upon progressions/regressions of exercises.
  • Helping clients set quarterly goals and working with them thru the quarter to achieve those goals.
  • Entering detailed notes of our clients’ workouts in their folders (i.e. workouts, the way they were feeling, medical/PT recommendations, modifications made, etc.)
  • Working with and supporting other small businesses in Asheville to make our community healthier.
Accountability in Action

We will be ACCOUNTABLE by:

  • Calling clients when they miss appointments or when we don’t see them regularly.
  • Checking in with clients on a regular basis (min. 3x month if active/2x month if in-active).
  • Giving points of interest or motivational tips every session.
  • Being flexible and working with clients at a time that is suitable to their schedule; if that is not possible then arranging for them to work with another TP trainer within 24 hours.
  • Providing consistent feedback to clients on their workout programs and progress.
  • Designing client’s workouts based on their restrictions and abilities, goals and preferences and modifying as needed.
  • Sending progress reports to client’s health professional(s) annually.
Integrity in Action

Our practice of INTEGRITY entails:

  • Collaborating with the client and other appropriate health professionals when something is beyond our scope of practice.
  • Never pretend to know more than we do; always be learning.
  • Separating fact from fiction and teaching our clients the truth about health and fitness.
  • Asking for our client’s feedback and listening to our clients so they can be assured their concerns will be addressed.
  • Keeping all client information and conversations confidential.
  • Giving the highest respect to all clients, staff and business partners.
Innovation in Action

We will be INNOVATIVE by:

  • Sharing relevant information with our clients and strategic partners through educational fliers and social media on a consistent basis.
  • Researching and sharing our insights and knowledge with each other during our monthly in-service sessions.
  • Maintaining our certifications with at least two of the top four certifying fitness associations.
  • Participating in at least two national or regional continuing education programs every year.
  • Networking with a variety of health professionals including sports physicians, dieticians, general practioners, massage therapists, and physical therapists to ensure we are always operating at the highest level of our profession.
  • Implementing creative events that keep our members and the community motivated and active.
  • Commit a minimum of 2 hours every week to becoming better trainers, instructors and coaches.
Authenticity in Action

Authenticity entails:

  • Ensuring the atmosphere around Training Partners is always upbeat and energizing.
  • Create a fun positive approach to fitness.
  • Having a sense of humor.
  • Maintaining a balance in our personal and professional lives and setting a healthy example for others.
  • Always communicate with each other in a respectful way.
  • Maintain a professional rapport with clients during their training session and at all times.
Collaboration in Action

Collaboration is achieved by:

  • TP trainer share information, support and teach each other.
  • Offering constructive feedback to each other 1-2x a year thru survey or other means determined by the group.
  • Seeking co-workers that are professional, educated, experienced and have good business skills. These skills are complemented with a motivating, fun attitude and approach.
  • Training Partners trainers working together to ensure our clients are getting the best service and most appropriate exercise programs designed for them.
  • Training Partners sponsoring local events and collaborating with other organizations that have a vested interest in creating a healthy, fit society.
  • Giving the highest respect to all clients, staff and business partners.

WE LOVE OUR clients!

Contact us today to get started.

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