Apr 20, 2023 | Physical Therapy Corner
Hooray – spring may finally be here! And with it, our enthusiasm for working in the garden. Unfortunately, we often overdo it those first few days or use our body in a poor way and end up with an early season injury. This post will cover some tips for avoiding injury,...
Oct 31, 2020 | Physical Therapy Corner
While there can be many causes of knee pain, I will be focusing on the most common joint disease, osteoarthritis. The knee is the most common joint that OA affects. OA, also known as degenerative joint disease, is typically the result of wear and tear and progressive...
Apr 30, 2020 | Physical Therapy Corner
While there can be several causes of lateral (side) hip pain, gluteal tendinopathy is thought to be one of the primary causes. It is often referred to as Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome (GTPS) and has historically been diagnosed as hip bursitis. However, recent...
Sep 26, 2019 | Physical Therapy Corner
We have all likely suffered from a pulled muscle or an ankle sprain and are familiar with the acronym RICE – rest, ice, compression and elevation. This has been the standard of care for years. We have rested and unloaded the joint for several days, immediately applied...
Mar 31, 2019 | Physical Therapy Corner
Medicare defines a fall as “an unintentional change of position to a lower level.” Many factors contribute to increasing the odds of having a fall. Some are health based (intrinsic) risks including: neuropathy in the feet, weakness in the legs and core, poor...